
The Role of Cultural Competence in Surrogacy: Why It Matters

The Role of Cultural Competence in Surrogacy: Why It Matters

Key Takeaways Cultural competence fosters understanding and empathy, helping surrogates and intended parents connect more effectively. Recognizing cultural beliefs and traditions creates trust and reduces potential misunderstandings. Effective cross-cultural...

Planning Ahead: Surrogacy Milestones to Consider in the New Year

Planning Ahead: Surrogacy Milestones to Consider in the New Year

Key Takeaways: Surrogacy is a process where a surrogate mother carries a child for the intended parents. There are two types: gestational and traditional surrogacy. Becoming a surrogate in Southern California involves several steps, including research, agency...

Self-Care for Surrogates: Making Time for Relaxation During December

Self-Care for Surrogates: Making Time for Relaxation During December

Key Takeaways: December is a busy time, but self-care is crucial for surrogates to stay balanced and healthy. Small self-care steps like deep breathing, cozy spaces, and short breaks can make a big difference. Staying hydrated, eating well, and gentle exercise are key...