Surrogacy is a life-changing journey that involves various medical, emotional, and legal aspects. Becoming a surrogate in Southern California and beyond requires meeting strict requirements, include the relevance of multiple gestations experience.

For prospective surrogates, having a previous pregnancy experience is a strict requirement. This ensures that they are physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to undertake the challenges that come along with surrogacy.

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another person or couple (the intended parents). The primary types of surrogacy are gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy.

In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate is not genetically related to the child, as the embryo is created using the intended mother’s or donor eggs and the intended father’s or donor sperm. This is the most common type used in modern reproductive technology practices. Traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate’s egg is used, making her the genetic mother, is less common due to emotional and legal complexities.

Relevance of Multiple Gestations Experience in Surrogacy

For surrogacy agencies and intended parents, choosing a surrogate who has previously carried and delivered babies successfully is reassuring. This past experience indicates a proven ability to handle the emotional and physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth, including dealing with common complications and the intensive nature of care during pregnancy.

Women with a history of multiple gestations are often seen as particularly resilient and capable, having managed the increased complexities that come with carrying more than one fetus.

1. Understanding of Prenatal Care

Having managed twin or triplet pregnancies, potential surrogates are already well-versed in the intricacies of enhanced prenatal care. The experience of closely monitoring conditions like amniotic fluid levels, fetal growth, and the overall health of multiple babies provides these women with a robust foundation for handling the additional responsibilities that come with being a gestational surrogate.

2. Expertise in Managing Pregnancy Complications

The likelihood of complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders is higher in multiple pregnancies. Women who have successfully navigated these challenges bring a wealth of knowledge that can be pivotal in a surrogacy arrangement.

3. Familiarity with Multiple Births

The experience of delivering more than one baby is particularly relevant in the surrogacy context. These women are accustomed to the complexities surrounding the birth of multiples, including the potential for premature birth, the need for cesarean birth in some cases, and the intensive care that premature babies might require.

4. Health Considerations in Surrogacy

A surrogate must undergo thorough health screenings to ensure a healthy pregnancy. This includes checks on blood pressure, blood cells, and amniotic fluid levels, which are crucial, especially in singleton pregnancies following fertility treatments.

Women with previous pregnancy experiences, such as gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and cesarean birth, have firsthand knowledge of these challenges, which can be invaluable in preparing for potential issues.

5. Dealing With Gestational Risks

Surrogates who have had multiple pregnancies may be more familiar with conditions like fetal growth restriction, Intrauterine growth restriction, and placental abruptions. Awareness and early detection of such complications can lead to better management and safer deliveries, whether through vaginal deliveries or cesarean births.

Requirements For Surrogates in 2024

Prospective surrogates must meet the following strict surrogate requirements. These criteria are designed to protect all parties involved—especially the surrogate and the child—and to ensure the best possible outcomes.


Most surrogacy agencies set age limits for surrogates, usually between 21 and 40 years old. The lower limit ensures that the surrogate is legally and emotionally mature enough to make such a significant decision, while the upper limit is primarily for health reasons, as pregnancy risks increase with age.

Physical Health

Surrogates must be in good general health and have a Body Mass Index (BMI), typically between 18 and 33. Overweight or underweight conditions can lead to complications in pregnancy, including gestational diabetes, hypertension, and issues related to anesthesia if a cesarean section is necessary.

Obstetric History

As previously discussed, a history of successful, complication-free pregnancies is crucial. This history demonstrates the surrogate’s ability to carry a pregnancy to term. Typically, surrogates should have had no more than five vaginal deliveries or three cesarean sections to avoid increased risks associated with multiple scars on the uterus.


Surrogates must lead a stable, healthy lifestyle. This includes being free of illicit drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking. Many agencies also look for surrogates who have a supportive home environment, as the emotional demands of pregnancy can be significant.

Mental Health

Emotional stability is vital for a surrogate. Surrogacy can be emotionally challenging, not just during the pregnancy but also after handing over the baby to the intended parents. Mental health screenings are a routine part of the surrogate evaluation process to ensure that the candidate can handle these emotional dynamics. Ongoing support and counseling are also typically provided by the agency.

Can First-Time Mothers Be Surrogates?

While first-time mothers are not typically chosen as surrogates, those interested should not be discouraged from inquiring with surrogacy agencies to understand the specific criteria and possibilities. For those who cannot become surrogates without previous childbirth experience, there may be other ways to help intended parents, such as through egg donation or support roles within the surrogacy community.

Surrogacy in Southern California

Becoming a surrogate in Southern California involves working with surrogacy agencies that guide both surrogate mothers and intended parents through the legal and medical processes. Southern California Surrogacy provides essential support, ensuring that all parties, including the intended mother and intended father, are well informed and comfortable throughout the surrogacy process.

The practice of surrogacy involves complex emotional and legal aspects. Surrogates must consider the emotional toll of carrying a baby that will not be theirs post-birth. Legally, all parties must have their rights protected, and the terms of the surrogacy agreement must be clearly defined and upheld.

Start Your Surrogacy Journey with Southern California Surrogacy

Ready to make a significant impact while experiencing the joy of helping others fulfill their dreams of parenthood? Fill out our surrogate form today and join our dedicated community of surrogates. We’re here to guide you through a healthy and fulfilling surrogacy experience!