Why a Healthy Pregnancy History Matters in Surrogacy

Why a Healthy Pregnancy History Matters in Surrogacy

Key Takeaways: Pregnancy history shows a surrogate's ability to carry a pregnancy and manage potential risks, giving intended parents peace of mind. A healthy pregnancy history helps doctors create personalized care plans for the surrogate throughout the journey....

The Role of a Healthy Pregnancy History in Surrogate Selection

The Role of a Healthy Pregnancy History in Surrogate Selection

Key Takeaways: Pregnancy history shows a surrogate's health and likelihood of carrying a baby to term without complications. Past pregnancies indicate emotional readiness for the ups and downs of surrogacy, making the journey smoother for everyone. A healthy pregnancy...

Impact of Previous Pregnancies on Surrogacy

Impact of Previous Pregnancies on Surrogacy

Key Takeaways: A healthy pregnancy history shows your suitability as a surrogate and builds trust with intended parents. Past pregnancies influence the surrogacy process from medical evaluation and matching to setting expectations. Your pregnancy history is part of...

Understanding the Value of a Healthy Pregnancy History

Understanding the Value of a Healthy Pregnancy History

Key Takeaways: A healthy pregnancy history shows your reproductive health and builds trust with intended parents, making you a desirable surrogate candidate. Past pregnancies without complications demonstrate your reliability and assure intended parents that you can...

Full-Term Pregnancies and Surrogacy: A Crucial Connection

Full-Term Pregnancies and Surrogacy: A Crucial Connection

Key Takeaways: Full-term pregnancies (37-42 weeks) are ideal for baby development, health, and reducing risks during birth. This brings peace of mind to the intended parents. Surrogates with a history of full-term pregnancies are preferred because they statistically...

Full-Term Pregnancies and their Impact on Surrogacy Application

Full-Term Pregnancies and their Impact on Surrogacy Application

Key Takeaways: Full-term pregnancies (delivering a baby at 37-42 weeks) are crucial for surrogacy because they show a healthy reproductive system and the ability to carry a pregnancy to term. Surrogates with a history of full-term pregnancies are preferred by agencies...

How Full-Term Pregnancies Influence Surrogacy Success

How Full-Term Pregnancies Influence Surrogacy Success

Key Takeaways: Full-term pregnancies (37-42 weeks) are ideal for healthy baby development and reduced birth complications. A history of full-term pregnancies reassures the intended parents. Surrogates with a full-term pregnancy history are more likely to have...